Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rabbit's for next year

With the small game season coming to an end, I'm disappointed I didn't harvest a rabbit this year.

I took my oldest dog out ( Toby) twice over the winter with no success on some unfamiliar state land. I blame my lack of preparation and perserverance for not having any fur on the table this year.

I found this PDF on Michigans DNR website and it was quite helpful.

I used it to make a small brushpile on a friends private property. We went back a few weeks later to shoot some guns and checked the brushpile for fun, we already have 1 rabbit living in it! :)

I hope to take Toby out before the season is over in hopes of finding our lone rabbit.

I plan on increasing the size of the brushpile over the spring and summer to hopefully increase the number of rabbits living near it.

Time to get the lines wet! :)

Wow, how about this 60 degree weather?

There's nothing that accompanies the sunshine better than the sounds of a spinning reel buzzing as we make our first casts of the year!

After a shortened ice season, I'm ready for some spring steelhead. If you've never tried fishing in a river before, bring patience and plenty of extra tackle

Check out this quick article on the basics


Spring Turkey

I drew my turkey license for 4/30-5/6 along with my buddy and our fathers. We plan on making the most of our hunt and hoping that all of us will have a successful season.

This year I've decided to utilize a diaphragm call along with my box call. I prefer a box call to a scratch plate because I find the box easier and more versatile for the putts, purrs, and cackling the turkey's use to communicate while moving. Mastering these softer and more subtle sounds can help you find the birds when they are call shy or in adverse wheather. I also picked up a crow call because it can also help me locate the birds.

This video gives a great demonstration of the calls made from a box call. I listen to this and try to replicate the sounds. http://youtu.be/OkYDirtKwLA

I hope this helps. Good luck this season!