Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rabbit's for next year

With the small game season coming to an end, I'm disappointed I didn't harvest a rabbit this year.

I took my oldest dog out ( Toby) twice over the winter with no success on some unfamiliar state land. I blame my lack of preparation and perserverance for not having any fur on the table this year.

I found this PDF on Michigans DNR website and it was quite helpful.

I used it to make a small brushpile on a friends private property. We went back a few weeks later to shoot some guns and checked the brushpile for fun, we already have 1 rabbit living in it! :)

I hope to take Toby out before the season is over in hopes of finding our lone rabbit.

I plan on increasing the size of the brushpile over the spring and summer to hopefully increase the number of rabbits living near it.

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